The effects of the decline on Quantitative and Qualitative Changes of Amygdalus lycioides Spachs structure(case study: central Zagros- Lorestan province)

Document Type : Scientific article


1 Faculty of Natural Resources, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, I.R. Iran.

2 Lorestan university

3 Associate Professor at Lorestan University, Lorestan, IRAN

4 Lorestan University, Faculty of Natural Resources, Forestry Department


The decline observed in Zagros forest is one of the main disturbances that may have caused changes in the structure and composition of forest ecosystems over recent years. This study aims to investigate the effects of the decline on structural characteristics of Amygdalus lycioides Spachs as one of the most important species of Zagros. For this purpose, Gaykan, Dadabad and Rimaleh in Lorestan province were selected. In each region, 5 one-hectare plots were set up and the coordinates of all trees were recorded, then structural characteristics such as diameter at breast height, tree height, canopy height, and canopy diameter were measured. The decline percent of trees was also estimated. To study stand structure some indexes including uniform angle index, Mean directional, differentiation index, Mingling index, were used. Based on the results the highest and lowest decline percentage of Amygdalus lycioides were observed in Gaykan and Dadabad regions respectively. The results showed a random positioning for the trees in the studied types before the decline, while after the decline spatial distribution of trees tends toward a cluster pattern, Rimaleh forest has relatively moderate mixing and Amygdalus lycioides being dominant than their neighbors before and after the decline. In general, decline negatively impacts the structural characteristics of Amygdalus lycioides stands, leading to reduced structural complexity. If escalating factors are managed; such findings can be used as a prerequisite for better ecosystem management and conservation activities.


Main Subjects

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